- Game Server with custom maps.
- Web accessible storage. ( Order now )
Game Server Configuration
- Upload your custom files to your game server via FTP.
- Add or modify the following settings in your server.cfg file.
sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1
Web Hosting Configuration
- Create a folder where you want to store your custom files on your web hosting (ie.
- Upload your custom files to your webhosting mirroring your game server files exactly.
Note: All files and folders are case sensitive.
Protect your custom files
To prevent other servers from linking to your custom maps follow these steps:
- Create a file in your 'redirects' folder named ".htaccess".
- Add the following information in that file (change 123\.123\.123\.123 to your game server IP):
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer hl2://123\.123\.123\.123 allow_download
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from env=allow_download
Deny from all